Friday, November 29, 2019
Araby By James Joyce Essays - Araby, Boy, , Term Papers
Araby By James Joyce The short story, "Araby", by James Joyce is about a lonely boy who makes a pilgrimage to an eastern-styled bazaar in hopes that it will alleviate his miserable life. Throughout the story he battles withdrawal and a lack of control. Moreover, the themes of alienation and control are inherently linked because the source of the boy's emotional distance is his lack of control over his life. The story begins as the boy describes his neighborhood. Immediately a feeling of alienation and bleakness prevails. The street that the boy lives on is a dead-end; he is literally trapped. Furthermore, he feels ignored by the houses on his street. Their "brown imperturbable faces make him feel excluded from the decent lives within them." Every detail of his neighborhood seems designed to connote to him the feeling of isolation. The boy's house, like the street he lives on, is filled with decay. It is suffocating and "musty from being long enclosed." It is difficult for him to establish any sort of connection to it. Even the history of the house feels unkind. The house's previous tenant, a priest, had died. He "left all his money to institutions and the furniture of the house to his sister." It was as if he was trying to insure the boy's boredom and solitude. The only thing of interest that the boy can find is a bicycle-pump, which is rusty and rendered unfit to play with. Even the "wild" garden is gloomy and unaffected, containing but a lone apple tree "and a few straggling bushes." It is hardly the sort of yard that a young boy would prefer. Like most boys, he has no voice in choosing where he lives. Yet, he is affected by his surroundings. His home and neighborhood are not the only sources of the boy's animosity. The weather is also unkind to the boy. Not only is it cold, but the short days of winter make play more difficult under the "feeble lanterns." He is resigned to playing in "dark muddy lanes behind the houses where [he runs] the gauntlet of the rough tribes from the cottages." The boy cannot expect to have any control over the seasons or weather. Nevertheless, the weather contributes to his feeling of helplessness. For the boy, one of the more dehumanizing aspects of the story is that nowhere does anyone ever refer to him by name. He is always referred to as 'you' or 'boy'. This could be attributed to the fact that, on the whole, there is relatively little dialogue, and the story is rather short. However, the boy is also the narrator of the story and could have introduced himself. After all, in the first paragraph he introduces the setting, it would not have been unreasonable for him to have mentioned his name. It seems likely then that the boy's name was omitted deliberately. By depriving the boy of a name, Joyce effectively denies the boy any sense of identity, consequently alienating the boy from himself. The plot of the story is based around the boy attempting to go to the Araby so that he may return with a gift that will please Mangan's sister. While in some ways Mangan's sister offers the boy some hope, she is also a source of the boy's alienation. He desperately lusts for her attention and affection. His recount of his mourning ritual: "When she came out on the doorstep my heart leaped. I ran to the hall, seized my books and followed her. I kept her brown figure always in my eye." The boy becomes so preoccupied with impressing Mangan's sister that he begins to neglect other aspects of his life: "I wished to annihilate the tedious intervening days. I chafed against the work of school. At night in my bedroom and buy day in the classroom, her image came between me and the page I strove to read...I had hardly any patience with the serious work of life which, now that it stood between me and my desire, seemed to me child's play, ugly monotonous child's play." To make things worse, he can not possibly expect to have any control over the girl's feelings. As it is, he can barely speak to the girl. When she finally talks to him he is " confused that he [does] not know what to answer." He is so desperate for recognition and care, that when he concludes that Mangan's sister is a potential source, he becomes fixated with her to the point of
Monday, November 25, 2019
Summary Of Orwells 1984 Essays - Nineteen Eighty-Four, Free Essays
Summary Of Orwells 1984 Essays - Nineteen Eighty-Four, Free Essays Summary of Orwell's 1984 Summary Chapter 1 and 2 We are introduced to Winston Smith the main character of the story. Works at Ministry of truth. Ministry of truth is one of four government buildings in destroyed London, the main city of Airstrip One, a province of Oceania. Year is 1984 and three contries are at war, Oceania, Eurasia and Eastasia. Oceania is run by the party whose leader is Big Brother. Winston is sick of his life in the ruined city and decides to keep a diary. This is against the law in Oceania. He felt his feelings begin to hate Emmanuel Goldstein, leader of the enemy party. He also spots O'Brien, a party leader whose eyes he see's a bit of political sympthy. See's young girl who he dislikes. He feels it is only a matter of time before his though crimes are detected. A knock at the door he thinks is police. Mrs. Parsons, his neighbor is at the door and asked him to unclog a sink. He does it but smells sweat all over the apartment. Mrs. Parsons is a follower of party doctrine and a fellow employee at the ministry. The children are members of Spies, a youth that encourages spying and telling on traitors, including parents. Winston is revolted. He returns home and writes a couple more minutes before going back to work. He remenbers a dream where O'Brien tole him he would meet him in a place wher there is no darkness. He washes his hands and hides the diary Reaction Major ideas, conflicts and themes are introduced. We are shown how the earth has changed, into 3 main contenients. we are also introduced to the main character and how he fits into the new world. Also we are shown how the computer age has taken over peoples minds. The language is easy to underezd, it has not really changed much over time. Seems like nothing left after nuclear war, just ruins remaining. We are introduced to Tom Parsons which Winston is contrasted with. The city is very drab. Quotes "Big brother is watching you, the caption beneath it said" "Thoughtcrime was not a thing that could be concealed for ever." Summary Chapter 3,4 and 5 Waking from dreams, he remembers his mother and sister, and can barely remember their disappearence and feels responsible for there deaths. He has another dream where he is in the perfect countryside with the girl he had noticed eariler. He dreamed she stripped for him. This time he is woken up by the telescreen, telling him to do his exercises. He thinks about how much power the Party has over all information. Begins work at the ministry of truth. His job is to correct printed articles in line with the Party's orders. The Ministry and records department jobs are to rewrite history to make the party look good. They get a break because of the 2 minute hate. When he gets back he replaces a speech by Big Brother with invented history. Makes up story about a man named Ogilvy. The article had become contrary to the present party policy. It is replaced as though is never existed. Winston meets Syme, a philologist, for lunch. Syme explains parts about Newspeak. They are joined by Parsons. Winston thinks of the fate that each co-worker will recieve. Syme will be vapourized because he is to smart, where Parsons is dull enough to escape vapourization. He is the only one who has not been taken over by the propaganda that is always being brodcast. He notices the same girl from the other day starring at him and thinks it is the thought police. Reaction The Golden country that he dreams about is definatly a release or a freedom from the the drabness of London. Also from the party. We are introduced to the fact that he has no mother or father or sisters or brothers anymore because they were taken by the party. He is realizing that he is rebelling against the party and he underezds that he is at risk. Winston is in search of the truth and is concerned because of the party's ability to change history. We find that he likes his work even though it is for the party and against
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Succession Planning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
Succession Planning - Essay Example While aging of the staff is major contributor to the commencement of the issue, it is also true that a lack of skill levels in the staff also makes succession planning a major issue. This is particularly true in the case of public sector. Nearly 50% of the people employed by the US government is eligible to retire, says Douglas Braddock (1999). One in five senior executives of Fortune 500 companies will have to retire before the year end. All this mean that succession planning is becoming more meaningful to government offices as much as it is for private enterprises. He further says that man power requirement due to replacements (34.7 million) in organisations will far outstrip the requirements due to increase in business (20.3 million). While on one side there is a vacancy coming up, on the other side there is no talented and qualified people to hire from. According to Manpower (Jan 2006), nearly 44% of employers find difficulty in getting the right kind of person with the required skill level to fill the vacancy that is existing in the company. The succession planning is different from the replacement planning in the sense that while replacement planning will look for one single person and find a replacement for him from the market. Whereas in the case of succession planning, the company needs to consider who would take his position and who in turn would occupy once the succeeding person is promoted and so on. This would mean that the existing people have to be evaluated and kept ready for promotion and also the succession streak right to the end of the entire hierarchy where some one will be taken in from outside to fill the gap. Aims and Objectives To examine the potential elements involved in having a succession planning strategy and to present options and recommendations to the Management Board. The objective is to demonstrate the business benefits and added value to the organisation by producing an acceptable business case. Literary Review Workforce Life Cycle Management The Life Cycle of the workforce has to be completely taken care of including the retirement and succession thereof. Every employee should have an appropriate standby option in case he is to leave the employment. While this is normally looked at as a replacement plan for the individual, similar planning is needed for the succession too. The workforce life cycle would aim at a career planning for every person in the company followed by a succession plan. This would ensure that every key position in the company is filled whenever there is a need without any delay. Every position would require selection of the right person with adequate skill levels. After selecting the right person, an appropriate training program should be designed and provided in order to ensure that the person selected is trained for the position he is destined to take over. The person should also go through on the job observation and training enabling him to take on the assignment when it should occur. This would cr eate a hot standby for important key posts. On non-key positions, standby is maintained for a group of requirements. This would take care of any requirement that might arise among the equal positions. However, this may not be exactly the same position and might require some time to take over the assigned job. Succession planning is defined by Wendy Hirsh (2000) as
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 77
Case Study Example s required for admissions, the processing of test results for patients and transferring patients’ diagnosis or treatment at different places so that it could be more proficient. Previously, all the four sites that the hospital operates in had employed the use of different information technology systems that included electronic medical records system, e-payment systems as well as picture archiving and communications systems which are used in the management of imaging data from MRIs and computed tomography scanning systems. This meant that when patients had to be transferred from one hospital site to another, they were required to carry all their relevant medical records and data with them and the information had to be manually entered into the electronic system that was operated by the hospital. A lot of time and money was wasted through this process and since the hospital sites were not in a position to share histories of patients easily, they were forced to diagnose patients more than once therefore doubling some costs. The Integrated Medical Information System project was founded to deal with these issues that were reducing the efficiency of the hospital. It was meant to phase out the information stores that existed at all of the four sites the hospital operated through coming up with a central source of patient information that was referred to as a data warehouse. The data warehouse entails storage systems for patient’s records along with PaCS data for each site that the hospital operates while having a backup that is off the site to protect the records of the patients. The system transmits the patient’s data between the different sites through a secured private network which ensured that there is regulatory compliance together with integrity as only the employees who are authorised may be able to access it. The different sites of the hospital can simply access the warehouse through a web browser making access to information easy and fast thus reducing
Monday, November 18, 2019
How the Vietnam war changed the u.s Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
How the Vietnam war changed the u.s - Essay Example They are of the view that it changed the manner in which the American society perceived their Constitutional rights, the media, as well as the government (Lawrence, 2008). While the War torn the country apart to some extent, it brought the country in a different and new ways. The controversial nature of the war spurred a huge many sources of protest, against how power is used by the government, how far could the freedom of expression be stretched, and mainly against the war itself (Franklin, 2000). In order to understand the effects of the Vietnam War in to the American society, this paper will discuss how the war changed the U.S. At the beginning of the Vietnam War, majority of the American public believed that the United States involvement in the war was justified. Most of the Americans supported the containment strategy as a way of protecting the interests of the United States (Nulty, 2007). They saw the need for thousands of the Americans to fight and protect their country. However, as the war progressed, Americans realized that the whole concept of the Vietnam War was flawed. As a result of this realization, there were demonstrations and protests across America against the war. The defeat of the United States in the war severely demoralized the American people. The citizens of America had liked to perceive themselves and their country as being invincible and therefore losing the war meant that their self confidence as well as pride would be lost (Hagopian, 2009). The war led to a reappraisal of America’s glory and power, as well as dampening the self confidence of the American people. It also led to economic woes and increased debts considering the huge amount of resources that was used in during the war. The eventualities of the war weakened the public support in the American government, as well as the competence and honesty of its leaders. A high degree of suspicion and skepticism were the main characterized
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Blood Glucose Tests and Medication
Blood Glucose Tests and Medication Definition: A blood glucose test measures the amount of a type of sugar (glucose) in the blood. Glucose comes fromcarbohydrate foods. It is the main source of energy used by the body.Insulinhormone helps the cells of the body use the glucose. Insulin produced by thepancreasand released into the blood when the amount of glucose in the blood rises. In the normal conditions blood glucose levels are slightly high after eating. This increase makes the pancreas to release insulin so that the blood glucose levels dont get too high. Blood glucose levels that remain high over time can damage the eyes, kidneys, nerves and blood vessels. The importance of this test: This test is used to evaluate blood glucose levels. It may be used to diagnose or screen for diabetes and to monitor control in patients who have diabetes. Most dietary carbohydrate eventually ends up as glucose in the blood. Excess glucose is converted to glycogen for storage by the liver and skeletal muscles after meals. Glycogen is gradually broken down to glucose and released into the blood by the liver between meals. Excess glucose is converted to triglyceride for energy storage. The major hormone regulating glucose concentration in the body is insulin (although other hormones such as glucagon, epinephrine, and cortisol also affect it). Glucose levels are measured to diagnose diabetes or to monitor adequacy of diabetic control. Diabetes is a very common disease affects about 2% of the general population results from insulin deficiency or insensitivity by the body to the level of insulin present. People with type 1 diabetes require daily injections of insulin to control their disease. Injection of too much or too little insulin can be dangerous because there is a limited range of blood sugar levels in which the brain can function normally. Types of blood glucose tests: Fasting blood sugar (FBS)measures blood glucose after you have not eaten for at least 8-10 hours. It often is the first test done to check fordiabetes. 2-hour postprandial blood sugarmeasures blood glucose exactly 2 hours after you eat a meal. Random blood sugar (RBS)Several random measurements taken throughout the day. Random testing is useful because glucose levels in healthy people do not vary widely throughout the day. Oral glucose tolerance test: A blood test done to diagnose diabetes mellitus. Its also done to diagnose hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) or a malabsorption syndrome in which sugar is not absorbed properly through the intestines into the bloodstream. The test was designed originally to determine the tolerance for the sugar glucose. Tolerance refers to the bodys ability to handle (tolerate) glucose. The test depends on a number of factors: The ability of the intestine to absorb glucose, The power of the liver to take up and store glucose, The capacity of the pancreas to produce insulin, The amount of active insulin it produces The sensitivity of the cells in the body to the action of insulin. Fasting overnight is important for this test and the patient is given 100 grams of glucose by mouth and then your blood glucose levels are monitored for 3 hours. Normally, the blood glucose should return to normal within 2 to 2 ½ hours. The outcome of the test may indicate: Normal glucose tolerance Abnormal glucose tolerance Depressed glucose tolerance: in which the blood glucose peaks sharply before declining slower then usual to normal levels as in: Diabetes mellitus Increased glucose tolerance: in which the blood glucose levels peak at lower than normal levels as in the: Malabsorption syndrome, Insulinoma (an insulin-producing tumor) Since the dose of glucose is taken by mouth, the test is sometimes called an oral glucose tolerance test. This test is commonly used to diagnose diabetes that occurs during pregnancy (gestational diabetes). Glycosuria Glycosuria refers to sugar in the urine. Less than 0.1% of glucose normally filtered by the glomeruli appears in the urine, and less than 130 mg should appear in the urine over a 24-hour period. Glucose is present in glomerular filtrate but is reabsorbed by the kidneys proximal tubule. If the blood glucose level exceeds the capacity of the tubules to reabsorb all the glucose present in the glomerular filtrate, the renal threshold is reached and glucose spills into the urine. Finding of glycosuria indicates hyperglycemic or lowered renal threshold for glucose. The renal threshold for glucose is 160 to 190mg/dl of blood; glucose does not appear in the urine until the blood glucose rises above this level. Glycosuria may be a normal finding, such as after eating a heavy meal or during times of emotional stress. Some individuals have a benign condition in which they have a lower than usual renal threshold for glucose (120 mg %), but have normal blood glucose levels. In pregnancy, the renal threshold for glucose may be lowered so that small amounts of glycosuria may be present. Patients on hyperalimentation may have glycosuria if the carbohydrate solution is being infused faster than the pancreas can produce insulin. The most common reason for glycosuria is diabetes mellitus. Urine glucose tests are used to screen for diabetes, to confirm a diagnosis of diabetes, or to monitor diabetic control. Blood sugar test results: Normal Results fasting plasma glucose test: 55-109 mg/dL oral glucose tolerance test at two hours: less than 140 mg/dL glycated hemoglobin: 3-6 percent fructosamine: 1.6-2.7 mmol/L for adults (5% lower for children) gestational diabetes screening test: less than 140 mg/dL urine glucose (random semi quantitative): negative Abnormal results: A fasting blood glucose level is 126 mg/dL (7.0 mmol/L) or higher. A 2-hour oral glucose tolerance test result is 200 mg/dL (11.1 mmol/L) or higher. Symptoms of diabetes are present and a random blood glucose test is 200 mg/dL (11.1 mmol/L) or higher. If your fasting blood glucose level measures in the range of 100 mg/dL (5.5 mmol/L) to 125 mg/dL (6.9 mmol/L), you are considered to havepre diabetes. Many forms of severe stress (for example, trauma, stroke, heart attack, and surgery) can temporarily increase glucose levels. Drugs that can increase glucose measurements include the following: Corticosteroids Diuretics Epinephrine Glucagon Epinephrine: It elevates the blood sugar level by increasing catabolism of glycogen to glucose in the liver, and also begins to break lipids in fat cells. Glucagon: Glucagon causes an increase in blood glucose, by stimulating gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis and facilitating glucose release from hepatocytes. Low blood glucose stimulates the alpha cells of pancrease to release glugacon. Corticosteroids: These increase blood glucose by inducing glucose release from hepatocytes and inhibiting glucose uptake by cells by decreasing GLU-4. Corticosteroids stimulate gluconeogenesis and glucagon secretion (that increases blood glucose). Drugs that can decrease glucose measurements include the following: Alcohol Anabolic steroids Clofibrate MAOS inhibitor Alcohol: After the ingestion of the food, the body turns the food to sugar or glucose. The pancreas produces insulin to help move the glucose into the bodys cells for energy use. When insulin is working effectively blood sugar levels are stable. Alcohol has the ability to lower blood sugar levels. For those who are on insulin, this can be dangerous because the combination of insulin and alcohol can cause hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). Low blood sugar levels can lead to coma and possible death. Sources Used From the National Institute of Health Fischbach FT, Dunning MB III, eds. (2004). Manual of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests, 7th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. Chernecky, Cynthia C., and Barbara J. Berger. Laboratory Tests and Diagnostic Procedures, 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Saunders, 2001.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Of Miracles by David Hume Essays -- Empiricists, Empiricism
"Of Miracles" by David Hume In David Hume?s paper ?Of Miracles,? Hume presents a various number of arguments concerning why people ought not to believe in any miracles. Hume does not think that miracles do not exist it is just that we should not believe in them because they have no rational background. One of his arguments is just by definition miracles are unbelievable. And have no rational means in believing miracles. Another argument is that most miracles tend to come from uncivilized countries and the witnesses typically have conflicts of interest and counterdict each others experiences. Both of these arguments are valid however they tend to be weak. I think that Hume?s strongest argument is that he claims there is no credibility to the testimony behind the miracles. In Hume?s argument he says ?that there is no testimony for any, even those which have not been expressly detected, that is not opposed by an infinite number of witnesses; so that not only the miracle destroys the credit of the testimony, but the testimony destroys itself.? To make this clear Hume uses religious matters. Many religions use miracles as a foundation. ?Every miracle, therefor, pretended to have been wrought in any of these religions as its direct scope is to establish the particular system to which it is attributed; so has it the same force, though bore indirectly, to overthrow every other system.? If the miracles try to destroy a system, a religion, it destroys the credit of the miracles themselves, and the system in which they were established. Since most religions are based on miracles and try to destroy each other with contrary miracles and then we as humans have no reasoning on which miracle to believe in. Therefore what I ... ...may not be any rationality behind the miracles its just something mankind must do. I do not know what Hume?s reaction would be to this kind of an argument but I am sure he would find something wrong about it and lead us to believe that miracles are still something that people ought not believe in. Miracles do happen. They have happened in the past and will remain occurring in the future. The question is not whether or not miracles exist, but whether we should believe in them or not. Hume discusses, in ?Of Miracles,? many reasons why we should not believe in such miracles for various reasons. However I have made a counter argument of Hume?s in saying that we must believe in miracles and if we do not have any faith that they are true then society would fail and not develop. Miracles are something that exist and are something that we have to believe in.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Exploration of a Journal Article in Sociology Essay
In this paper I will be discussing the type of article being explored. What type of research is involved in this article? I will be doing a summary of this article to discover what the main findings are. Explain how this article fits into the field of sociology. Discuss which chapter applies to this article. Explain how a journal article differs for a newspaper article, and what is alike. Type of article This article is a review of existing research that was conducted. It discusses what type of research was conducted. The reason why the research was done, and what was the outcome of the research that was performed (Playing hooky 2011). Type of Research There was various types of research conducted for this article. A study was provided by Youth Advocates Programs, Inc. there was a behavioral experiment done on three types of behavior that involved positive, negative, and no reinforcement. A questionnaire survey was also conducted on a group of students, and there were observation studies done (Playing hooky 2011). Summary Student truancy is a serious problem that faces the adolescent youth. This problem is caused by a number of variables. How involved the parents are in a child’s life. Weather the child is involved in any after school activities. Is there a history of alcohol, or drug abuse? Some of these factors can be caused at school. Some of the problems could be bullying, having nobody to turn to with their problems (Playing hooky 2011). Major Findings Bullying In one of the case studies conducted along with other variables bullying was found to be a significant cause of student absenteeism. The study showed that students would avoid school, because they feared being victimized. These students felt like they did not have a safe place to go. They had no one to talk to about their situation. They felt like they did not have anything to look forward to as long as they were being bullied (Playing hooky 2011). Other Factors With all of the other factors combined such as family environment, living situation, community involvement, alcohol, and substance abuse. These factors did very little to contribute to students being absent from school (Playing hooky 2011). How where they supported The research that was presented was conducted by a variety of methods. There was research from a questionnaire study. Research was conducted that involved a behavioral experiment. Research was also presented by a youth Adolescent group (Playing hooky 2011). Fits into Field of Sociology This article fits into the field on sociology, because it deals with sociological theory. The sociology theory that it deals with is the Social-Conflict Approach. It talks about the problems facing youth like drugs, and alcohol (Playing hooky 2011). Identify Chapter of Textbook The chapter that this article covers is chapter twenty. This chapter deals with education, and how different areas of the country receive better education those other areas. This chapter talks about how truancy can lead to other problems down the road in life (Playing hooky 2011). Difference between Types of Articles Scholarly articles are reviewed by other peers with expertise in the field. Magazines and newspapers are written for the majority of the population. The thing that is similar is they all have current information (Playing hooky 2011). Conclusion In this paper we discussed the type of article. We discussed what type of research was involved. We gave a summary of the article, what were some findings, and how they were supported. We provided information on how it relates to our textbook, and sociology. Described how this article is different from magazines and newspapers. References Playing Hooky†: Examining Factors that Contribute to Adolescent Truancy. (2011). Sociological Viewpoints, 2715-23
Friday, November 8, 2019
Good Morning Miss Toliver essays
Good Morning Miss Toliver essays Good Morning Miss Toliver was a very inspirational video. Ms. Toliver, who is an inner-city mathematics teacher, has a philosophy that all children can master mathematics. She has different types of teaching strategies. For example, on one certain occasion Ms. Toliver entered the classroom dressed in character. Ms. Toliver also describes and demonstrates a "hands-on" approach to mathematics instruction, and strategies to get students actively involved in classroom activities. All in all, she makes her students want to learn math. Ms. Toliver discusses and demonstrates the uses of speaking and writing as tools to develop-and assess-student understanding of math concepts. For example, she uses journals for the students to remember things they have learned. This seems to be one way she greatly encourages writing in her math class. Ms. Toliver clarifies basic concepts and terms, and tries to create an atmosphere in which students can communicate freely. Ms. Toliver asks very open-ended questions. She does not just ask for the answer to her questions, but also for an explanation for their answer. Ms. Toliver encourages all answers for questions. For example one student may answer a question that is acceptable by Ms. Toliver, but she may ask for other possible answers from the class. After all, Ms. Toliver says, There is more than one way to skin a cat. In my opinion Ms. Toliver uses a different type of room organization for an older class of students. Ms. Tolivers students are seated four persons to each table. All tables and chairs are facing the board. This way she is sure to have each students attention. With this seating arrangement the students will always have team members during group activities. This is the time when Ms. Toliver explains the value of each member of the team. Ms. Toliver is great when it comes to the introduction of a new lesson. For example, she entered the classroom with a great...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Free Essays on John Updike’s Araby And James Joyce’s A&P
when describing his lover’s legs when expressing them as "long white prima-donna legs" (Updike 27). Another important detail used in this particular story is the use of color, which has more underlying layers than only looking at the color, green, worn by one girl, as only being just another color. According to Updike, he used the color green because it can be looked at in different ways, from meaning â€Å"go,†as in a traffic light, or having a connotation of â€Å"money.†From looking at the color in this deeper meaning, the girls, by wearing green,... Free Essays on John Updike’s Araby And James Joyce’s A&P Free Essays on John Updike’s Araby And James Joyce’s A&P A young adolescent boy, who is lovesick for a girl, does not want to be let down nor disappointed. Unfortunately, this is exactly what occurs in two famous short stories. Both Updike’s A&P and Joyce’s Araby provide a similar theme that conveys a boy’s infatuation for a girl and the hardships he has to go through, in order to acquire more experience in the complicated area of love. These passions that are in both stories are presented through the use of detail and the intentions of both protagonists to capture the heart of the girl of their dreams. In short stories or novels, detail is mostly always an important characteristic. However, the same two stories can be looked at in opposite views due to a difference in detail. In Araby and A&P, detail has a large influence when comparing the two stories. From the narration of a teenager, as in A&P, to the telling by a more mature and wiser man in Araby, these two use detail to help the reader have a better understanding and become more emotionally involved in the story. Because the narration of Updike’s A&P is told by a young boy, the words used in description are obviously that of an obsessed teenager boy and his fantasies towards the opposite sex. The mind of the protagonist of the story, Sammy, is focused on the female characters in the story, but mostly on one specific girl. Sammy uses a very graphic choice of words when describing his lover’s legs when expressing them as "long white prima-donna legs" (Updike 27). Another important detail used in this particular story is the use of color, which has more underlying layers than only looking at the color, green, worn by one girl, as only being just another color. According to Updike, he used the color green because it can be looked at in different ways, from meaning â€Å"go,†as in a traffic light, or having a connotation of â€Å"money.†From looking at the color in this deeper meaning, the girls, by wearing green,...
Monday, November 4, 2019
OBESITY HEALTH PROMTION AND PUBLIC HEALTH - Essay Example Another interesting findings about obesity in U.K. is that the rate of increase in obesity was highest among middle aged (55-64) men. In 1994, around 18 percent of total middle aged men were obese, while in 2006 the rate stood at around 36 percent. (Trends in the prevalence of overweight and obesity)       Today people irrespective of their ages are less interested in spending time in exercising or other outdoor activities. Along with it the busy families of today’s world have little free time to prepare nutritious, home-cooked meals. Eating out on a daily basis is becoming a part of everyday life of adults as well as adolescent members, particularly in westernized culture. Obesity poses a great problem to society.       Looking at the severity of the issue the present paper seeks to examine several epidemiological issues related to obesity in U.K., different health promotion initiatives taken by the government to tackle this problem, the possible public health care interventions using health promotion theories, and finally make some evaluation of the programs under taken by the U.K. government.        Having a few extra pounds in one’s body does not imply obesity. Usually, in medical terms a person is considered to be obese when his weight is at least 10 percent more compared to the recommended weight for his height and frame of the body. For obese people, their excessively heavy weights endanger their health. Obesity is gaining much attention because in the westernized societies including U.K is increasingly being found to be responsible for higher degree of mortality as well as morbidity. The more alarming thing regarding obesity is that initially the problem of obesity have been concentrated among adults only, but over time, increasing problems related to obesity are being diagnosed among children also. According to the Health Survey of England 2002,
Saturday, November 2, 2019
School Counseling Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
School Counseling - Essay Example Post the diagnosis, I started seeing my struggles in schools in an optimistic light which led me on a path towards self-exploration and self-acceptance instead of being critical and frustrated for being different. I agree with the implications mentioned by the writer in terms of frustration, depression and low self esteem. Overcoming these hurdles is not easy however the key lies in coming to an understanding about the unique way in which ones mind works. 3. I find commendable the way in which the ADHD is addressed not just from the student’s perspective but also that of the teachers, making the approach suggested much more effective and practical. What I feel works best with this approach is the fact that instead of treating the child like something is wrong with him the student’s hyper-ness is treated like it can be used to create a positive impact on his life when used appropriately. 4. The angle with which the topic is approached is highly plausible; that of addressing the severity and the lack of awareness of ADHD being a genuine flaw of the academic teaching staff – teachers. Their inability to spot a child with ADHD and in some cases be indifferent even when they do seems to be an area of genuine concern. 5. I agree with the core essence of the topic which goes right into the root of the problem as far as emotional and behavioral disorders are concerned, looking at all the right places – family, home life, history and background information. The common example of the girl who internalized her problems leading to cutting herself being one I can highly relate. 6. As much as I appreciate the approach suggested by the writer by taking in a holistic view of the individual’s problem to come up with a tailored treatment approach, focus and goals, what concerns me is the critical role time will play in the approach. Collaboration with the individual’s
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