Sunday, August 23, 2020
Friday, August 21, 2020
How to Actually Use Your SAT Math Formulas
Step by step instructions to Actually Use Your SAT Math Formulas SAT/ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips By and large, you’ll need to utilize a SAT math recipe once every four to five inquiries. This records for roughly 20-25% of the consolidated math areas, which implies it is critical that you see how and when to utilize your recipes on the SAT. We’ve set up the rundown of your need-to-know SAT equations (organized in the request from most noteworthy to least that you’ll see them on the SAT) just as how to best utilize them for test-day. What Formulas Will You Need on the SAT? You will consistently be given nine geometry equations and two geometry laws on the test, however NO variable based math or arrange geometry recipes. We’ve set up a rundown of the 21 SAT math equations you should know for test dayand organized them as indicated by â€Å"need to know†and â€Å"good to know.†If you feel corroded on any recipe or math subject on the rundown, look at one of our individual math point guidesto perceive how the recipe functions (and even why it works), just as how to perceive when to utilize it. We’ll additionally show you the options in contrast to utilizing recipes for some inquiries. For example, you can understand your separation questionsby either utilizing the separation equation or by drawing an image and utilizing the Pythagorean Theorem. Both of these strategies require equations, yet you are given the Pythagorean Theorem in the recipe box, thus we have ordered the separation equation as â€Å"good to know†at the end of the day not â€Å"necessary.†SAT math questions are intended to be comprehended in a large number of ways, so don't stress over finding the one right way. The most effective method to Use Your Formulas Effectively So how would you best use your recipes, both given and not given? Let’s investigate. 1) MEMORIZE your equations The best thing you can accomplish for yourself (and your SAT math score) is to retain your formulasyes, even the ones you’re given. In spite of the fact that it is ideal to have the recipe box as a fallback choice to twofold check your work, it is both an interruption and a period suck to persistently flip to and fro from issue to equation box, issue to equation box. Isolating your center like this can prompt indiscreet mistakes and isn't something that we suggest. Except if you, in any capacity whatsoever, can't remember your equations, at that point totally do as such. Retention (and practice, to bore them into your head) will be perhaps the most grounded apparatus in your belt when taking the SAT math segment. In case you're a visual student, make yourself a lot of equation streak cards. In case you're a sensation (development) student, work on drawing as well as keeping in touch with them out on a different bit of paper. Also, in case you're a sound-related student, get a parent or a companion to assist you with boring them out loud. When you feel you have your recipes down, work on utilizing them on real SAT inquiries to help you both recollect them and figure out how to utilize a specific equation for a specific issue. (We'll offer you the chance to work on utilizing your recipes in the following segment.) 2) Prioritize learning your most urgent equations A few equations come up again and again (and over!), while others show up sparingly, best case scenario. In the event that you are in a hurry, apprehensive about remembering such a large number of recipes, or essentially attempting to delineate your arrangement of assault, retain your equations in the request that they show up frequently on the test. Of your â€Å"necessary†recipes, they show up on the test from most prominent pervasiveness to least in generally this request: Law: the whole of the inside degrees of a triangle is 180 Region of a triangle Law: the whole of the degrees of a straight line is 180 Region of a square shape (or other quadrilateral) Pythagorean Theorem Discovering incline of a given line (rise/run) Discovering incline of line interfacing two focuses Discovering rates Law: the quantity of degrees of circular segment around is 360 Zone of a circle Boundary of a circle Discovering midpoints Zone of a circle’s circular segment Boundary of a circle’s circular segment Discovering probabilities Discovering blends Finding the midpoint of a line Volume of rectangular strong Volume of chamber Of the â€Å"good to know†or â€Å"shortcut†equations, you will require them generally in a specific order: Extraordinary right triangle properties, 30-60-90 Extraordinary right triangle properties, 45-45-90 Number juggling arrangements Geometric successions Separation equation 3) Decide NOW which (assuming any) of your â€Å"good to know†recipes you need to retain The explanation they are called â€Å"good to know†equations is actually how it soundsyou can discover all the solutions to your SAT math issues without knowing these recipes or alternate routes by any stretch of the imagination. Then again, realizing them can spare you time and exertion, so it’s completely your choice whether to remember them. Simply remember that it is more awful to recall a recipe erroneously than it is to have not endeavored retaining it by any stretch of the imagination. So on the off chance that you do choose to remember, say, the separation equation, ensure you’ve got it secured tight. Something else, simply choose at this very moment to just focus on your important equations and leave the â€Å"good to know†recipes in the residue. 4) Practice SAT math inquiries at home without looking into your equations It’s one thing to retain your recipes with streak cards, however it’s an entire other ball game to recollect them when you encounter genuine SAT math issues. You’ll need to make sense of which recipes to utilize and how to execute them, notwithstanding recalling exactly what they are. Also, the main way you’re going to have the option to do this is by rehearsing. After you’ve put forth the attempt to retain your equations, practice your SAT inquiries without the security net. Attempt to comprehend them as though you were truly taking the testso retain your recipes if conceivable, however don't hesitate to utilize the given equations as a fallback on the off chance that you stall out or need to twofold check your answers. 5) Don’t alarm on the off chance that you overlook an equation Above all else don’t alarm! We’ve said it previously, and we’ll state it againthere are constantly numerous ways for you to illuminate your SAT math questions. So in the event that you overlook a recipe, don’t stress over it! Is it an issue that can’t be explained without a recipe? You will consistently have your given equations in your recipe box to depend on when there's no other option. Is it a difficult that requires an arithmetical (otherwise known as, NOT given) recipe? At that point you will probably have the option to illuminate it in a manner that doesn't require an equation. On most events, you will have the option to utilize the methodologies of connecting answers,plugging in numbers,or even simply making a coherent theory, to assist you with comprehending addresses that you in any case can't. In the event that essential, you can for the most part dispense with a couple of answer decisions that are clear anomalies, regardless of whether you don’t know the recipes or techniques for how to tackle the issue. For instance, how about we look at how we tight down our answer alternatives for a SAT math issue without utilizing any recipes whatsoever. In the event that, under any conditions, you overlooked your equations and even overlooked that you had a recipe box available to you, you can in any case kill a few answer decisions for this issue. In the event that we recall that all SAT figures are attracted to scale except if in any case noted, we can see initially that edges $a$ and $c$ are obviously littler than edges $b$, $d$, and $e$. Taking out two answer decisions is sufficient to speculate on the SAT and not chance a lot with an off-base answer punishment, however we may have the option to limit it down much further. Indeed, even without realizing that a straight line has a degree proportion of 180, we can sensibly derive that a straight line must quantify some sum and that every single consecutive line will be the equivalent. The obscure edge appended to a given edge in an orderly fashion (the strengthening point) will in this way measure the rest of the measure of the full proportion of the line (whatever that measure might be). To imagine this current, suppose that you have two cans brimming with tennis balls. Each basin contains precisely the same measure of tennis balls, despite the fact that you don't have a clue what number of that is. You expel two tennis balls from the primary pail and one tennis ball from the second. Despite the fact that you didn't have the foggiest idea what number of tennis balls there were regardless in each can, we realize that the subsequent pail must have more tennis balls staying than the first. This implies the edge connected (beneficial) to the bigger given point on a line will be littler than the edge valuable to the littler given edge on a line. In other words,angle $e$ will be littler than edge $b$, in light of the fact that $e$ is appended to a bigger point on a line. This implies we can kill point $e$ from the gathering. This leaves us with two answer decisions, $b$ and $d$, all without the utilization of any equations at all. By speculating now, we have a 50-50 shot of hitting the nail on the head! [Note: the right answer is D, point $d$.] Furthermore, if all else fails, you can generally avoid the issue completely. Keep in mind: in the event that you can't dispose of any answer decisions, at that point you’re happier avoiding the issue and just proceeding onward. Get focuses where you can and cut your lossesa question to a great extent that you need to skip won’t influence your score as much as you may might suspect. Prepared to try out your recipe aptitudes? SAT Math Practice Using Formulas Presently let’s test your recipe information against genuine SAT math issues, all of which require equations (both given and not given) to tackle. 1) 2) 3) 4) Answers: D, D, C, 8 Answer Explanations: 1) If we recollect our strong geometry equations, we realize that the volume of a rectangular crystal is found by: $a = lwh$ So we can discover the volume of our littler rectangular squares by increasing the stature, length, and wid
Tuesday, July 14, 2020
Leonard Bernstein for the Bookish
Leonard Bernstein for the Bookish Since I missed his birthday, I thought it fitting that I talk about Leonard Bernstein on the anniversary of his death, which occurred on October 14, 1990. Leonard Bernstein was a consummate composer, conductor, and all around scholar. Exhibiting musical genius very early in his life, he went on to be a recognizable figure in both the public and academic world, publishing several books, appearing on television, and maintaining several reputable positions in the classical music world, including Tanglewood Music Center and the New York Philharmonic. When I was first introduced to the narrator’s text of his Kaddish, Symphony No. 3, which he wrote in 1963, I knew I needed to know more about this man. Sure, I had grown up in a household in which I knew all the words to West Side Story before I could do long division, and the name Leonard Bernstein was never unfamiliar to me. But I hadn’t really taken the time outside of music history class to learn more about Bernstein the man. With extensive exposure to his music in the past few years, I really wanted to know about this man who used music to both express his joy and exorcise his demon s, to look into his own soul and to touch ours. So I went after his books. Bernstein had a lot to say. In The Unanswered Question, Bernstein presents six essays that he originally produced as lectures at Harvard University, which were also filmed for television and recorded for production on LP. His way with words, and obvious charisma in front of a camera, as well as his talent not just as a musician but as an educator, make these lectures in any format both compelling and informative. In addition to the revised text of his lectures in the publication, the Harvard University Press publication also includes musical scores to assist in understanding some of Bernstein’s points, as well as photos taken during his time in Boston, featuring rehearsals with the Symphony and the presenter himself addressing his fascinated public. Ten years before, when his distinctive white and silver coif was still almost completely dark, he published The Infinite Variety of Music, a collection of essays, transcribed lectures, and discourses on music theory and history and Bernstein’s personal reflections. These include scripts from lectures that were aired on television; not only was The Unanswered Question a national event, but several other collections, including a look into modern music and a Young Peoples Concerts series (also produced in written format), went out to American homes as well. And ten years before that, Bernstein began to write the components of what he would compile into The Joy of Music, first published in 1959. These included essays and telescripts about topics ranging from Beethoven to contemporary issues in musical performance. Photos, drawings, and music scores add to an interesting narrative in each chapter, all of which he links together in the endeavor to prove that “music appreciation doesn’t have to be a racket,†as long as the discourse can bring forth not just the idea and mathematics of the music, but the love and passion that goes along with hearing and performing it. If reading Bernstein’s words aren’t enough to get into your psyche, there are so many routes to learning more about the man. My favorite is The Private World of Leonard Bernstein, the 1968 photojournalism epic exploring the man at home (both house and symphony hall alike), filled with photos of Lenny and his family, friends, and compatriots. A wonderfully accessible look into his early life can be found in Music Was It: Young Leonard Bernstein, which was published only a few years ago. If that’s still not enough, check out the recently published collection of his letters, which he wrote just as frequently to people in his inner circle as he did to people he encountered in the artistic world. Bernstein might not be the be-all and end-all of twentieth century music, either in discourse or performance, but hey, he’s definitely my favorite. Save Sign up for True Story to receive nonfiction news, new releases, and must-read forthcoming titles. Thank you for signing up! Keep an eye on your inbox.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Hobbes V State of Nature Essay - 1306 Words
Thomas Hobbes claims that in a state of nature, people are constantly fighting against each other, and the only way to overcome this is to form a commonwealth. He does this by going over the conditions that describe a state of nature, certain rights that all people have in nature, and the method for transferring these rights, by way of a pledge to a sovereign, whether it to the one person, or a group of people in order to achieve a state of peace. While Hobbes makes a very clear argument, it does contain some faults when examined. Hobbes addresses these issues and tries to convince the reader that a commonwealth is the only way a society will experience lasting peace. Firstly, Hobbes argues that when there is no government or civil†¦show more content†¦I believe like Hobbes that living in this state of nature has a number of consequences. Nothing in the world can be considered as essentially good or evil. So in a state of nature right and wrong is simply what is right or wrong to each individual person, since there is no government or laws that tell us right from wrong. The only way people can make promises with each other is by way of contract, which is a mutual exchanging of rights. There is a special circumstance of this contract called a covenant. A covenant is a contract in which one person will give up one of his rights to somebody under the condition that the other person’s right will be given to him at a later time. Covenants are the basis of all laws, rights to property, and most aspects in a civil society. However, according to Hobbes, all covenants between people that live in a state of nature are objectionable because à ¢â‚¬Å"He that performs the first has no assurance the other will perform after.†(Leviathan pg.115) This basically means that because people aren’t bound by any laws, the second person doesn’t have any incentive to keep his end of the covenant, as he won’t be punished for going back against his word. Hobbes’ prospects for humanityShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of V For Vendetta By Allan Moore And The Norsefire Government1503 Words  | 7 Pagesphilosopher Thomas Hobbes’ had this sort of thought though- a supreme leader was the best way to create absolute sovereign and remove civil war within society. Hobbes believed that if citizens created a social contract, it would be the ideal way for citizens to live within peace and adhere to the law of nature. 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Political philosophers such as, Aristotle and Plato have more of an ancient conception of liberty and the role the individual plays in society and to the state. Whereas, Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and John Stuart Mill have developed a more modernized conception of liberty and the role of the individual to the state and society. Plato’s work the Republic, and Aristotle’s works of literature Nicomachean Ethics, and Politics will be contrasted against Thomas Hobbes’ Leviathan, JohnRead MoreJohn Locke And Thomas Hobbes Essay1490 Words  | 6 PagesThomas Hobbes influenced Madison in a way that allowed him to have both liberty and order at the same time. John Locke believed in individual liberty and freedom from the government whilst Thomas Hobbes believed that the state of nature is that people are born self ish. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
William Shakespeare s World Masterpieces - 1595 Words
Today each person has their own story to be told. All of us come from different backgrounds and have circumstances we are living through. Each of has different type of person we wish to rely on. As a result of this there are no set standards as to whom we are to date and even marry and why. Instead, it’s a matter of whom each person chooses. Miguel De Cervantes, understood this at a time, the 1600 s, where this idea of love was not normal. Back then to marry for love was considered foolish. Traditionally 16th -century love was depicted as Chivalry Romance. This means that it was to be arranged marriages between those of equal status or class as the norm. Back then love was seen as a perfect and pure concept. Cervantes did not agree with this and challenged and mocked it in his writings. As stated by Maynard Mack in his book, World Masterpieces, â€Å" The actual method [Cervantes] followed in order to expose the silliness of the romances of chivalry was to show to what extrao rdinary consequences they would lead a man insanely infatuated in them..†. Due to this type of thinking, Cervantes in his novel, Don Quixote, portrays love in a nontraditional way, as a mysterious force that draws lovers together. Many of the tales of courtship told in Don Quixote are driven by the force of love. The tale of Quiteria and Basilio is a great example of this. In this tale, Basilio and Quiteria are next door neighbors in the same village. Basilio falls in love with Quiteria atShow MoreRelated Authorship debate Essay1599 Words  | 7 PagesWilliam Shakespeare’s works being just that is a notion most accept; however, there has been a lot of evidence and arguments by historians, who opt to challenge this notion, arguing that Shakespeare was the pen name of Edward de Vere, the Earl of Oxford had to conceal his authorship for social and political reasons. After careful examination of historian’s evidence this theory doesn’t measure up and it was indeed Shakespeare, who was the genuine author. The world has come to accept that William ShakespeareRead MoreEssay On William Shakespeare1127 Words  | 5 PagesThis is an informational essay about Poet, Actor, and Playwright,William Shakespeare. In this essay you can find much information ranging from fun facts to his death. This essay tells much about his life and includes some details of family members. 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One of the most controversial and accused writers wasRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Romeo And Juliet1264 Words  | 6 Pagestheater-going public the most important dramatist in English literature, Shakespeare occupies a well-known position in the world of talented authors. His canon contains thirty-seven plays, written in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries. Additionally, throughout the years, they continue to sustain critical attention, with the majority of his works circling tragedies, one being Romeo and Juliet. William Shakespeare s Romeo and Juliet speaks to the timeless appeal of star-crossed loversRead MoreThemes in Macbeth742 Words  | 3 PagesWithin Shakespeare s famous Macbeth there are many different themes that make the play the captivating masterpiece that it is. The role of the supernatural is a very important element of Shakespeare s Macbeth. Just as important, the theme of masculinity is very dominant. Both themes contribute t o the play s unique and powerful nature, overall creating a very effective storyline, strong characters, and unexpected twists and turns throughout. In the time of William Shakespeare thereRead MoreThe Octogonal Structure Roared from Shakespeares Performers791 Words  | 3 Pageswhile productions began. The Globe Theatre started an era of acting in the late 1500’s and changed the way we look at performing still to this day. This theatre was jaw dropping as people entered this â€Å"salvaged wood†framed theatre. In 1599, the stage was ready for acts to begin. The name of the Globe Theatre was for people to know that the â€Å"whole round world†could be represented by every actor. William Shakespeare referred to the theatre as â€Å" this wooden ‘O’ †(Langly). In Elizabethan times, theRead MoreLiterary Techniques Of Hamlet By William Shakespeare1700 Words  | 7 Pages In the literary masterpiece Hamlet by William Shakespeare, the use of literary techniques contributes significantly to the development of the theme. The story of Hamlet belongs to a tradition of revenge tragedies that were familiar to the Elizabethan audiences. The theme of the play is: when one’s actions are tainted with corruption, their actions can result in others seeking revenge for the pleasures of gratification. The literary technique of parallelism contributes to the developme ntRead More The Supernatural in Shakespeares Works Essay1747 Words  | 7 PagesSupernatural in Shakespeares Works No one questions the fact that William Shakespeare is a pure genius when it comes to creating immortal characters whose characteristics transcends those of the normal supernatural beings, but most students of literature agree that his uses of the supernatural aren’t merely figments of his creative imagination. Every man, woman, and child is influenced by the age into which they are born and Shakespeare was no exception. Not only does his use of supernatural elementsRead MoreReflection Paper on Shakespeare Class1344 Words  | 5 Pages REFLECTION PAPER ON SHAKESPEARE CLASS On that faithful day when I was signing up for the Shakespeare class, I literally did not know what I was getting myself into. I had no clue what Shakespeare works are all about, or even reading his play, let alone his sonnet and the iambic pentameter. It took a while to grasp the concept of it and understand the concept in which Shakespeare was writing his poetry. My expectations for the class was not that much. I just told myself let me get thisRead MoreRomeo And Juliet Film Analysis1647 Words  | 7 PagesDavies, Anthony. The film versions of Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare Survey 49(1996):153-162 Web. 22 May 2017. 1. In this Journal articles by Anthony Davies, he attempts to trace, compare, and analyze the play of Romeo Juliet’s life throughout cinema. To do this, Anthony does a close reading of four different films directed by Cukor, Zeffirelli, Alvin Rakoff, and the BBC. With these films, Anthony delves into them while dissecting specific scenes to compare how they are different or similar
History- Slave Trade Free Essays
Describe the different colonial economies; and how that influenced their adoption of slavery (or lack thereof). The Chesapeake Bay and Carolina colonists pursued wealth and later realized the value of tobacco by the help of John Rolfe. They believed that gold, silver and a wide variety of raw materials could be located in Jamestown. We will write a custom essay sample on History- Slave Trade or any similar topic only for you Order Now Unfortunately the colonists were ceased of gaining profit due to the living conditions and lack of knowledge. Causing many deaths from various diseases and diminishing the their population. Colonists also refused to farm forcing them to steal food stock from the Indians creating a quite the quarrel among the two. The colony was mostly male as well as indentured servants. If any, families were very small and with no to a couple of children. Some time later they began spreading out their homes in search for tobacco. This decentralized the colony and decreased their knowledge of disease. By the water ways they would establish their homes to help with the import and export of materials. Now labor was much needed to keep the materials flowing so African slaves were sent to help with labor. This was a part of the triangular trade among Africa, northern colonies, Britain, and the Caribbean. The Northern Colonies were much more stable than Southern colonies They were more focused on the religion and keeping a structured family. There was a better men to women ratio than the Chesapeake colony. Their life expectancy was better than south by 15-20 years. Even though the climate was colder their knowledge of farming gave them plenty of food to supply themselves. They believed in living in close quarters of one another and having a center of the colony. This provided them with knowledge and uses of medicine to prevent disease. Their population was now healthier and now families were larger than ever before. With triangular trade across the Atlantic African slaves were sent everywhere to take over the labor to produce products. In the southern colonies they lacked a labor workforce and were supplied with slaves from the Caribbean. The African slaves were then sent to the north due to the overflow of slaves in the south. The northern colonies slave population was one of the lowest among the other colonies because the population had no problem with hard work. How to cite History- Slave Trade, Papers
Friday, April 24, 2020
Martin Heidegger Essays - Martin Heidegger, Philosophy Of Technology
Martin Heidegger annon Note: The main work from which text was drawn is The Question Concerning Technology by Martin Heidegger. Martin Heidegger was a German philosopher, who developed existential phenomenology and has been widely regarded as the most original 20th-century philosopher. His works include complicated essays such as An introduction to Metaphysics and The Question Concerning Technology. In his essay The Question Concerning Technology, Heidegger attempts to create several intricate arguments regarding technology and the significance of information. One prominent theme in this essay is the idea and meaning of info rmation. Heidegger presents his thoughts by searching for the roots of the ideas behind information. He includes many references to German, Greek and Latin vocabulary to better explain his ideas. In order to fully understand the meaning and significance of informa tion, one must be educated as to the accurate definitions of some basic vocabulary regarding information. The first word that is significant to the idea of information that Heidegger explains to the reader is episteme. Episteme in basic translation can be defined as knowledge. (Episteme is a term) for knowing in the widest sense (it) means to be entirely at home with something, to understand and be expert in it. Such knowing provides an opening up. As an opening it up it is a revealing. This leads to the next expression, alethia. Alethia is used by Heidegger the same way it was defined by the ancient Greeks; revealing. This same word is translated by the Romans to veritas. Again, veritas in English is used to mean truth which can be unde rstood as correctness and representation. It is in this change, due to translation of ideas, that Heidegger notices some inconsistencies. Information is an often misused term in Heideggers opinion. As previously noted, the translation from one language to another can often turn true definitions of words askew, and this can cause serious problems with larger concepts of technology and an id ea of enframing (gestell). Gestell is a German word whose direct translation means enframing. The idea of enframing is also quite prevalent in this essay. We now name that challenging claim which gathers man thither to order the self-revealing as standing-reserve: ge-stell (enframing). We dare to use this word in a sense that has been thoroughly unfamiliar up to now. According to ordinary usage, the word Gestell (frame) means some kind of apparatus, e.g., a bookrack. Gestell is also the name for a skeleton. And the employment of the word Gestell(enframing) that is now required of us seems equally eerie, not to speak of the arbitrariness with which words of a mature language are so misused. Heidegger Enframing means the gathering together of that setting-upon that sets man upon man, i.e., challenges him to bring forth, to reveal the real, in the mode of ordering, as standing reserve. Enframing means that way of revealing that holds sway in the essenc e of modern technology and that it is itself nothing technological. Heidegger is portraying the idea that gestell is not a tangible object but more of a concept, a way of classifying. Although it may seem possible to step away from this gestell it is i mpossible. Regardless of outside influences there is still the underlying revelation that occurs through gestell. In the idea of gestell lies the idea of information. Information is indebted (aion) to enframing (gestell), just as enframing is indebted (ai on) to revealing (alethia). Alethia is then indebted (aion) to knowledge (episteme). These cycles of indebtedness are recognized by Heidegger and are called the four causes. the causa materialis, the material, the matter out of which, for example, a silver chalice is made. the causa formalis, the form, the shape into which the material enters. the causa finalis, the end, for example, the sacrificial rite to which the chalice required is determined as to its form and matter the causa efficiens, which brings about the effect that is the finished, actual chalice, in this instance, the silversmith. The significance of these four causes becomes more readily apparent when the definition of indebtedness is further understood. The basic idea of indebtedness and of being responsible is often misinterpreted. Again, Heidegger introduces terminology that wi ll better describe what is meant by indebtedness and responsibility. Poiesis literally means bringing-forth and this is the definition that Heidegger intended when describing the four causes. Heidegger recognizes that the causa finalis is brought f orth by a combination of other causes and is incapable of repaying the debt that is produced. It simply exists. Bringing-forth brings out of concealment into unconcealment. Bringing forth comes to pass only insofar as something concealed comes
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Mamma Mia! A Critique essays
Mamma Mia! A Critique essays Benny Andersson and Bjorn Ulvaeus Mamma Mia! was the first musical that I have ever watched and it was one of the most exciting entertainment that I have ever experienced. Directed by Phyllida Lloyd, Benny Andersson and Bjorn Ulvaeus have integrated their beloved lyrics and music to create a wedding musical about young love and love lost. The musical is set on a tiny Greek island where young Sophie, the bride, has invited three of her mothers (Donna) ex-lovers in order to determine which one of the men is her biological father. It is a simple love story with well-developed characters despite the fact that the real spotlight of this musical is the music and lyrics of ABBA. The Historic Orpheum Theather, a modern proscenium-stage theater, is the perfect venue for this musical. The cool blue tone lighting designed by Howard Harrison brought to live the atmosphere of sitting on a Greek island surrounded by the ocean. The lighting added depth to the musical as it moved the audience from morning to evening and brought the audience closer to the actors on the stage. It was simple lighting which allowed the audience to focus on the words and emotions of the actors. For the encore, the spotlight turned to the audience in order to engage it in joining the cast in singing and dancing to the forever popular Dancing Queen and the musical title, Mama Mia. The set designs centered around the inn that Donna runs and where Sophie wedding would take place. The musical scenes were set in the courtyard of the inn, a bedroom, or on a dock leading out to the Mediterranean. The scenes were simple and the costumes, except for the outrageous girl band outfits that Donna and her former band mates wore in the seventies, were simple. The simplicity of the set and the costumes all went along the theme of showcasing the music of ABBA. Mark Thompson, who was responsible for the produ ...
Sunday, March 1, 2020
6 University Jobs That Will Boost Your Resume
6 University Jobs That Will Boost Your Resume 6 University Jobs That Will Boost Your Resume There is a bit of a misconception that university jobs are only available for students who gain employment through work study, or graduate students who become TAs. In reality, there are a variety of on campus jobs available to anybody who chooses to apply, that can be a great addition to a student’s resume. If you want to get an on campus job that earns you serious job consideration down the road, take a look at the following positions. 1. College Radio Station Personality If your college campus is home to a radio station, you have probably enjoyed listening to that radio station, or maybe attending some of the concerts your college radio station has promoted. Maybe you have even fantasized about going on air or being behind the scenes. Here is some good news. You can do these things, even if you aren’t a part of the Mass Comm or radio broadcasting school. If you have an idea for a radio, or some extra time, let that be known. You might just get hooked up with a show of your own. Your college radio station might have jobs in production, advertising and more. You don’t need to be a part of the broadcasting or Mass Comm program either. 2. College Newspaper Journalist Most colleges have at least one student run newspaper, if not more. What you may not know is that they are frequently hiring people to work as journalists, columnists, assistant editors and more. If you enjoy writing, and have an interest in sports, entertainment, campus life, or news and politics, consider putting in an application. You’ll meet some great people and earn money doing something you enjoy. 3. Resident Assistant This may not seem like a fun job at first. After all, who wants to be the person in the dorm rooms that breaks up loud parties and enforces other rules? However, if you have the ability to get along with others and be a bit of a diplomat, RA is not a bad position to hold. You’ll save money on your own tuition and fees, and you will pick up people skills that will serve you very well in the future. 4. Financial Aid Clerk There are frequently many jobs available in the financial aid office. Student workers are needed for data entry, assisting people with applications, manning phones, and dealing with paperwork. If you have aspirations of working in the finance industry, customer service, or in any business setting, this job might be perfect for you. You will also develop specialized computer skills that may make you more appealing than job applicants who are not experienced with office applications. 5. Dining Hall Employee This is hard, busy, fast paced work that isn’t suited for people who aren’t used to being active and on their feet for long periods of time. However, if you have the stamina for it, this is a great job to have. First, you’ll almost certainly eat for free, whether that’s an official or unofficial benefit. You will also learn culinary skills, customer service skills, cash handling, and to deal with purchasing, receivables, and inventory. All of these are great practical skills to have when you are trying to land that first entry level job post graduation. 6. Maintenance Assistant If you are an engineering student or in any other field that will involve mechanics, construction, or electricity, consider putting in an application with your school’s maintenance department. They often hire student workers to assist with repairs around the college campus. In any given day, you might paint, help troubleshoot and solve electrical problems, and assist with HVAC repairs. The result of all of this is that you will have a few impressive technical skills to add to your resume. If you are not sure where to begin, ask your advisor. He or she will be able to tell you who to speak with about on campus jobs. If you qualify for work study, your financial aid office will be able to help you find the best on campus job for you.
Friday, February 14, 2020
If Accounting Is to Retain Any Credibility, Then Without Credibility Essay - 1
If Accounting Is to Retain Any Credibility, Then Without Credibility It Is Worthless - Essay Example The faithful representation of the economic phenomena may be a challenge at times for the accountant, it should always remain their goal. It is against Tinker’s prophetic confession that accounting policies ought to be chosen for their supposedly desirable economic consequences rather than their ability to depict relevant situations faithfully. Accountants are reporters just as journalists and they are therefore endowed with the task of reporting faithfully any financial transactions that the company engages in. In the recent years, the roles of the accountants has greatly changed, these changes are in line with the changing regulations and business laws though from research there are indicators that there is a perception gap between the profession and the public and this is with regards to trust. The major contributor towards this is the ignorance hence lack of understanding of the public of the roles of the accountants in business growth, which is a crucial component of econ omic growth and recovery. The credibility of the accounting information assumes that the accounting information does not comprise any significant error or subjectivism, therefore it faithfully presents image of the process or phenomena (Previts, Robinson & Chandar 2007). The conceptual frameworks upon which credibility is ensured comprises of detailed elements, which ensure the elements are appropriate in terms of content. It is therefore appropriate if the accounting information is objective that is the transactions and events are faithfully mirrored (Previts, Robinson & Chandar 2007). This means that the transactions and events reflect the true meaning and consequences of economic events alongside the legal requirements. The information has to be neutral i.e. avoid influencing a decision or issuing a judgment for the accomplishment of any pre-determined objective. The display of transactions faithfully in the primary elements, which ensures the credibility of the information, prov ided in the statements. This ensures a balance between the information provided numerically and in a described manner concerning the information’s inductive phenomena. For the sake of the generation of faithful information, there has to exists a transaction or an event which is embodied upon the balance sheet level regarding the display of the elements concerning the corporation’s assets, debts, and own capital (Sims & Quatro 2005).Â
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Does Thoreau's Civil Disobedience suggest that he is a strong Annotated Bibliography
Does Thoreau's Civil Disobedience suggest that he is a strong anarchist - Annotated Bibliography Example Thoreau wrote on this doctrine in response and opposition to the Mexican-American War that occurred between 1846 and1848, and the slavery that was prevalent in the American society then. This work was later to have an overwhelming motivation to future political protests, particularly by Martin Luther King Jr. as well as Mahatma Gandhi who vehemently opposed political actions and regimes of their times. Whereas on the face of it Thoreau would be seen as advocating for anarchy and violence (Petrulionis Para 6 ) Thoreau’s radical concept is merely a strong condemnation of political injustices and abuse of political rights. Background to Henry David Thoreau       Henry David Thoreau had many talents and he worked tirelessly to develop them. Henry was born in 1817 and grew up close to John, his elder brother who worked as a teacher in order to raise money for settling the tuition fee for Henry at Harvard (Hoeltje 359). One of Henry’s childhood memories w as that he could sometimes stay awake at night just to look at the stars to find out if he could be able to spot God behind those stars. A look at his entire life may lead on to conclude that he never seized to look into the nature to find the ultimate truth. Henry also served as a teacher with his brother John till 1842 when John cut himself in the process of shaving and lost his life to lockjaw right in Henry’s hands. By then Henry was 25 and he was highly traumatized by the experience. He served as a surveyor and helped his father in making pencils for sometimes. When Henry was 28, that is in the year 1845, he decided to go to Walden Pond where he built himself a cabin an land belonging to Emerson. He went there with the aim of whiting his first book.       Thoreau did a lot of reading and writing at Walden besides spending a lot of time touring nature. He was at one point briefly imprisoned for failing to pay the poll tax. He went back to Concord after t wo years and two moths where he took to surveying and making pencils having realized that only a few people were interested in buying his books. For nine years, he did these activities as part time jobs but concentrated more on writing and rewriting his book, the Walden. In fact, he made seven full drafts of the text before finally trying to have it published. He did the surveying and made a few lectures mostly on the experiences he had at Walden pond to raise money for his support.       Thoreau was strongly against the idea of the government waging the war in Mexico as evidenced in the text Resistance to Civil Government. He also held an abolitionist lecture against slavery basing his arguments on the brief experiences he had in jail, as recorded in Slavery in Massachusetts. After meeting him in Concord, Thoreau also became a strong supporter of the efforts of John Brown to bring slavery to an end, as recorded in A Plea for Captain John Brown.       In 1862, when Thoreau was 44 years of age, he passed on as a result of tuberculosis. Thoreau left behind a lot of written work under his name including two books, several essays and a huge Journal which was later published in 20 volumes. One common feature in Thoreau’s works is the complex contradictions in them that stimulate the readers to creatively rethink their own lives as he did. About Thoreau’
Friday, January 24, 2020
What Contribution Does Curleys Wife Make to Of Mice and Men? Essay
What Contribution Does Curley's Wife Make to Of Mice and Men? Curley's wife is the most dangerous character in the novel, because she is the loneliest one. Because of her need for attention, she destroys George and Lennie's dream of living "off the fatta the lan'." The appearance and clothing of Curley's wife have a symbolic meaning. She is described as a "purty" woman because she is always made up. Even on the ranch she has "full, rouged lips" and her hair lies in "little rolled clusters, like sausages." Also her clothes are seductive. When she speaks with George and Lennie, she wears a "red dress" and has red lips. The symbolic meaning of the colour red in literature is danger. So Steinbeck foreshadows that she will be dangerous. She wears the same dress in the bunkhouse, as when she speaks with Lennie at the end of the novel. The reader senses that something bad will happen: the death of Curley's wife. Curley's wife does not have a good life on the ranch. The relationship between her and Curley is miserable. She hates her husband and is really glad when Lenni...
Thursday, January 16, 2020
African American Males and Disparity in the Justice System
Within our justice system there is a large disparity between the total number of African American males living within our society and living within our prison walls. African Americans males are often faced with overcoming environmental, economic and sociological inequalities while growing up as well as a lack of opportunity. Many of these issues may in fact lead to un-proportional numbers of African American males being incarcerated. In additional prejudicial behaviors by the judicial community may also be a factor in the disproportionate incarceration statistics.More resources should be allotted at the community level to provide for disadvantage minorities to succeed in life and avoid participating in criminal activities, as well as providing resources for education of those within the system to combat prejudice and effect change. According to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) African Americans comprise nearly 1 million of the 2. 3 million incarc erated population and 1 in 6 black men have been incarcerated as of 2001. As can be seen these numbers are disproportionately higher then for their white counterparts.One of the main reasons stated by the NAACP as a causal factor for this disparity is related to inner city crime rates that are prompted by social and economic isolation. There is little opportunity for employment and high drop rates amongst inner city African American males. A study by the American Academy of Arts and Sciences indicates that employment for under educated African American males was approximately 25% while the incarceration number is around 40% showing that they are more likely to be incarcerated then employed.When prisoners are then released there is increase recidivism when there is no employment opportunities and the cycle repeats. In addition the family structure suffers as resources are decreased as family members are imprisoned. Studies have shown that children who parents are imprisoned are more likely to be victims or crime themselves, have little educational opportunity and frequently live in poverty, all which lead to increased propensity for criminal activity in the future.Lack of opportunity is forefront in the disparity between whites and African American levels of incarceration. The book The system in black and white: Exploring the Connections Between Race, Crime and Justice states that â€Å"Minority youths are often from neighborhoods plagued by poverty, high unemployment and underemployment, family dysfunction, low education, and crime. The minority youth is therefore, marginalized, and such marginalization engenders delinquent acts†(Jones-Brown, Markowitz, 2001. p172).By segregating minorities, primarily African Americans, into these areas without providing opportunity we perpetuate the problem by providing little to no opportunities for legitimate success. The authors indicate that the lack of access to social and economic opportunities and the attainmen t of socially desired symbols of success directly leads an individual to obtain those items by socially unacceptable means such as criminal activities. This general theme of the consequences of segregated communities is shared by Loury in his work Race, Incarceration and American Values.â€Å"Closed and bounded social structures-like racially homogenous urban ghettos-create contexts where ‘pathological’ and ‘dysfunctional’ cultural forms emerge, but these forms are neither intrinsic to the people caught in the structures nor independent of the behavior of the people who stand outside them†. (Loury, 2008. p 33. ) In this case the author is clearly pointing out that it is the situation that creates the criminal not any overt difference in the individuals themselves.There is no born propensity for criminal activity just a lack of social and environmental resources available to individuals living in these areas to allow for success based on achievement. These areas have developed as an ugly reminder of our one time overtly prejudicial society that deemed African Americans as inferior, lazy beings with little or no ability to learn. The path to participating in criminal activities for many African American adolescent males frequently lies in participation in gang activities.In an article entitled Poverty, Broken Homes, Violence: The Making of a Gang Member the authors state a strong correlation between the lack of opportunity and gang involvement. Risk factors include many that are prevalent in the before mentioned ghetto like areas such as â€Å"having gang members in the family already, histories of sexual or physical abuse, growing up in poverty, having access to weapons and drugs, and a lack of success in other areas of life, such as school†(Mueller, 2014).Gangs frequently form a surrogate family for adolescents in poverty stricken urban areas as well as providing a certain level of protection from other criminal element s. Another obstacle which African American males face is one of negatively differential treatment within the justice system. It is assumed that part of the reason for the disparity between whites and African Americans within the prison systems is related to the war on drugs. According to the NAACP African American are 12% of the population of drug users, 38% of those arrested and 59% of those convicted.These overwhelming numbers of convictions would lead us to believe that African American are committing more drug crimes yet the percentage of drug users is actually lower then their white counterparts. Sentences for African Americans convicted of drug crimes are almost equal to the amount of time that white males would spend in jail for violent crimes. According to author of the New Jim Crow this inequality in the justice system is a way to keep minorities from achievement while appearing to have put aside prejudice. It can be argued that our prison system in fact serves the purpose of a vehicle for social control.The long-term effects of conviction separate felons from the general population for life, excluding them from contributing effectively in mainstream society. Once they are released, they are often denied the right to vote, excluded from juries, and relegated to a racially segregated and subordinated existence. Through a web of laws, regulations, and informal rules, all of which are powerfully reinforced by social stigma, they are confined to the margins of mainstream society and denied access to the mainstream economy.They are legally denied the ability to obtain employment, housing, and public benefitsâ€â€much as African Americans were once forced into a segregated, second-class citizenship in the Jim Crow era (Alexander, M. 2010). Another issues related to the disproportionate numbers of African American males within the prison system are related to previous acts. Again we must look to the lack of opportunity in youth as a leading cause for juve nile detainment. According to the Juvenile Justice information exchange socioeconomic class plays a role in detainment.In delinquency matters indigent children remain within the system because the courts are reluctant to release these children back to the environments they came from as opposed to children with means. â€Å"The child welfare system, public schools, and neighborhood police presence  are structured so that few meaningful distinctions can be made between poor children and those who present a true danger to the community†(Birkhead, 2012). The impact of early interactions with the justice system can negatively impact a person for life.As adults persons who are known within the criminal justice system are more likely to be convicted of crimes as well as facing harsher sentencing as repeat offenders. This practice may not appear prejudicial as it is appropriate to face harsher sentences for repeat offenders, but is prejudicial as to how the person became a r epeat offender in the first place. The above issues point to discrimination at a structural level not an individual one, but there are structural cases of discrimination that may support individual discrimination such at the Stop and Frisk law.This law allows officers to stop, question and physically frisk someone they deem suspicious. One of the main problematic issues of this practice is one of oversight; there are no governing rules as to what constitutes suspicion besides individual officers feelings. While this practice has led to some arrests, they are numerically insignificant and have been deemed unconstitutional but not illegal. According to the American Civil Liberties Union 85 percent of those stopped were found to have not committed a crime or have any contraband on their persons.The failure of this practice has far reaching implications as in it has served to foster feelings of mistrust between police officers and the minority population, specifically African American y ouths. Identifying issues and making changes to treatment of African American males, or any other minority, within the judicial system is a project undertaken by the Sentencing Project. They define Illegitimate or unwarranted racial disparity as the â€Å"dissimilar treatment of similarly situated people based on race†(201, p1. ).There goal is to acknowledge the effects of disparity building at each phase within the criminal justice system and it’s cumulative effects on an individual. They encourage communication within the system i. e. : law enforcement, lawyers, judges, prison personnel and parole workers to develop plans to reform individuals while working towards a systematic change. Through research they have addressed the need for cultural competency training within the judicial system and have made it a requirement. They also address issues pertainingto treatment of early delinquency, severity of crime as well as severity of sentencing. The Project allocates re sources for research into other sentencing alternatives that have demonstrated success over incarceration. In addition to looking at the treatment of individuals within the system they provide guidance to policy makers in regards to investments in communities. They support low-income areas in providing education and employment opportunities, access to health care, including mental health care, and substance abuse treatment.Through research the project has identified that un equal opportunities for access to resources negatively affects the low-income individuals and their families. Simply changing the criminal justice system itself will not singularly decrease the disparity between the numbers of African Americans incarcerated in comparison to their white counterparts. Change must begin in the communities. Outreach programs started as early as birth are necessary to effectively create change. One group who sees the need for this change and has answered the call is the Harlem’ s Children’s Zone.This group services approximately 17,000 children throughout the Metropolitan area. They begin with providing parenting classes, which outlines the need for proper nutrition and health care as well as courses on other parenting issues with a focus on the at risk child. They provide charter schools with longer school days as well as tutoring programs for those unable to attend. Resources are also available for crisis intervention, access to mental and physical health care, offering assistance in obtaining services such as food stamps, as well as assistance in forming community actions groups to combat crime and drugs.The group also provides afterschool programs including teen groups, fitness, educational, and classes on maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and access to community gardens. Although our society has made great strides in the area of equality, with more African Americans holding important positions, negative differential treatment persists. Poverty s tricken communities where there is little opportunity and the prevalence of gang activity increases the likelihood that African American youths will grow up to participate in criminal activities leading to incarceration.The first step towards change is understanding the need for increased resources in poverty stricken areas to provide access for at risk youths to community centers, hot meal programs, and safe afterschool venues. The second step is making these projects a reality. Although the government had earmarked 10 million dollars for neighborhoods to develop similar programs to the Harlem’s Children’s Center project it is not enough, resources must be provided by individual states, communities and persons to combat poverty and provide resources for children.In addition equality in how individuals are treated within the system must continue to be addressed by groups like the Sentencing Project. By early intervention and continued education and support we can move towards equality and diminish the numbers of African American males spending their lives within the criminal justice system. The long-term benefits of these actions will be felt by individuals as well as the community at large with decreased crime and access to the rich resource of an educated youth.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Police Brutality And The Civil Rights Movement - 1522 Words
Police brutality is defined as â€Å"excessive and/or unnecessary force by police when dealing with civilians,†and this has become more prominent within the United States throughout the years (Danilina). There has many cases where police brutality has been seen via news channels, and it has dismantled the unity of trust between the civilians of the United States and the law enforcement who are supposed to protect the everyday people from harm. The issue is if the law enforcement is actually right within their means of protection, or have they gone too far with using excessive force in any situation that may or may not be harmful to them. There is, also, the question of whether racial profiling is the biggest contributor to police brutality. Excessive force being used by officers has been an ongoing issue since law enforcement was created. During the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s, it has been made aware that minorities were a target for the law enforcement of that time. The 1967 murder cases of â€Å"Chaney, Goodman, and Schwerner against the sheriffs of Neshoba and Lauderdale County†at that time was huge seeing as everyone involved in the case got off without any charges (Wynter). After years have gone by and the 41st anniversary of their deaths has happened, someone was convicted. All this time, no one would speak up against the police of these counties in fear of being brutally murdered just like the three men that was in their care. The injustice of it did not make senseShow MoreRelatedPolice Brutality And The Civil Rights Movement1333 Words  | 6 PagesPolice brutality goes back many decades and actually happens a lot less the it did in the 60’s it is just seems like it occurs more due to the development of social media today. During the Civil Rights Movement that began in 1963 African Americans mostly in the South took the majority of these police brutalities. For example In the 60’s blacks were beaten with batons an d cattle prods as they attempted to vote at a court house that was in Selma, Alabama. The subjects that received the beatings wereRead MorePolice Brutality And The Civil Rights Movement985 Words  | 4 Pagessituations between citizens and police officers. Dating back to the 1960s during the civil rights movement, to recent events in the news that demonstrates police brutality. But does this mean that police officers aren’t doing their jobs. Could the media and social networks influence our views of the police? In my opinion it does. Police brutality has circulated media headlines for decades now. Citizens rage through the country, becoming more angry due to the outcome of police officers that use excessiveRead MorePolice Brutality And The Civil Rights Movement1738 Words  | 7 PagesWhile combating police brutality everyday, what really does matter? Despite, the increased attention and actions to remedy police brutality, police brutality is still a prevalent issue in t oday’s American society. It has sent critics on both sides of the issue into their corners, as no one really seems to have the answer. Maybe, the reason why police brutality has been so troublesome to alter is because the people trying to alter it are only targeting only the symptoms instead of the infection itselfRead MorePolice Brutality And The Civil Rights Movement Essay712 Words  | 3 PagesPolice Brutality â€Å"Officer Jeronimo Yanez, charged with second-degree manslaughter in the shooting death of Philando Castile, a 32-year-old black Minneapolis man†(Capecchi). â€Å"Brian Encinia, former Texas trooper charged with misdemeanor perjury stemming from his arrest of Sandra Bland, a black woman who was later found dead in a county jail†(Almasy). â€Å"Sgt. Kizzy Adonis, charged with failure to supervise in connection with the 2014 death of Eric Garner, a 43-year-old black Staten Island man who diedRead MorePolice Brutality And The Civil Rights Movement1400 Words  | 6 PagesOver the past 10 decades or more the United States has displayed a lot of police brutality and also racial profiling that leads to police brutality to American citizens. A police officer job are to serve and protect and enforce the law but in a lot cases from proven evidence it’s seems they shoot first and ask questions later. Americans are starting to feel that the police are scared of th e citizens more than people are scared of them. Not every single cop in the world is bad or mean harm to peopleRead MorePolice Brutality Of African Americans1405 Words  | 6 PagesIn recent years police brutality towards African Americans has increased. This violence has resulted in riots across the United States. The August 2014 death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri many Americans, some who are former Civil Rights activists, have spoken out against police brutality. Black Lives Matter states that the movement’s goal is to bring justice to the present unjust police killings of African Americans. Looking at prior cases of brutality and its connection to racial profilingRead MorePolice brutality1678 Words  | 7 Pages Police Brutality, Have Times Really Changed The history of Police Brutality for minorities; especially people of color has left America wondering have times changed. Police brutality has deemed the opportunity for socioeconomic advancement or access to good and services for many Black/African Americans dating back as far as 1955. The system of Police brutality has affected many realms of society for minorities’ employment and family life. After some scholarly research, police brutality isRead MorePolice Brutality Is An Extremely Serious Offence885 Words  | 4 Pagesthe police for help,Considering their job is to protect you at all times. But, who Do you call when it s a police officer abusing his authority? Who do you call when the peacemakers are disturbing your peace and just adding to the crime rates in America? Police brutality is a crime very much present in today s society just as it was present during the civil rights movements of the 1960’s and years after that . It is a very big issue in our highly p opulated cities in america. Police brutality isRead MorePolice Influence on Society822 Words  | 4 Pagesï » ¿ Police Influence on Society Police Influence on Society 1 The relationship between police and minority societies has always been a difficult one with many issues. Before the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960’s African Americans were treated brutally by the police in the United States. African Americans along with other minority groups were often abused by police. Minorities were viewed to have no rights and this treatment was commonplace. This brutal treatmentRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Police Brutality By Jill Nelson1358 Words  | 6 Pagesnot had power to determine their own destiny†which is movement that formed for self defense against the U.S government. The Black Power Movement established itself in the 1950’s branching off of the nonviolent groups established during the Civil Rights Movement. Two major Black Power groups in history were Malcolm X and Black Panther Party that focused on justice for the black communities. These groups primarily fought against police brutality in their communities. At this time the United States that
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